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Introduction The World Investment Report 2022 reveals distinct regional trends in foreign direct investment (FDI). This article examines the opportunities and challenges facing Asia, the Americas, Europe and Africa in the context of the recovery of FDI after the COVID-19 pandemic. Analysis Asia, particularly East and South-East Asia, is a key driver of the FDI recovery. The region has benefited from growing demand for electronics and information technology products, as well as increased integration into global value chains. However, geopolitical tensions and uneven development among countries in the region pose challenges. In the Americas, FDI has recovered unevenly, with North America growing faster than

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the global economy, including on foreign direct investment (FDI). The World Investment Report 2022, published by UNCTAD, highlights the uneven recovery of FDI between developed and developing countries. This article examines the differences between these two groups of countries and the factors that contribute to this inequality. Analysis The recovery of FDI has been faster in developed countries, mainly due to their ability to implement economic stimulus measures and accelerate the distribution of vaccines. Companies in developed countries have also benefited from easier access to finance, allowing them to quickly resume their investment

The World Investment Report 2022, published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), provides an in-depth examination of global and regional trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) and the evolution of national and international investment policies. This annual report focuses on the recovery of FDI from the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges that remain in achieving sustainable and inclusive development. The report finds that global FDI flows have recovered from the pandemic crisis, although the recovery is uneven across countries and regions. Investment in developed and developing countries is experiencing different trajectories, with implications for reducing inequality and